People love to talk about building a wardrobe. Building a suit collection, building a lingerie wardrobe, etc. Cue cheesy carpentry joke. I hate this phrase, because it conjures a vision of boring black pumps and pants with a sad fit (I should do a full length post on this, but what is it with stores calling any pants that have room for a bum "curvy fit"? Every brand seems to have these now, J. Crew, Gap, Banana Republic, and it's really quite strange and always makes me feel like my tag is a little smirky and a little euphemistic, and who wants a euphemistic tag staring them down at 9 AM?). These nude patent leather pumps (Giuseppe Zanotti at Barney's) would be in my fantasy "shoe wardrobe". A totally classic shape with the almond toe, relatively high vamp (although I do love a bit of toe cleavage) and an excellent heel, these would look gorgeous with and skirts or dresses, and would lengthen the legs for miles. Maybe it's just because I'm a little more coffee than milk in hue, but I like the slightly darker shade which is warm and would flatter many, many shades of person. These are simple and would let embellished duds shine while still whispering style and grace.
I made bread tonight and it is delicious, and proves something in The Joy of Cooking totally bogus. I also scanned one of the most disgusting recipes I have ever seen from my Homemaker's Handbook, a 30s-era manual for housewives by Dorothy Myerson that I bought at a used bookstore in Virginia. You, darling readers, have both of these fabulous reads to look forward to in the next day or two.
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