A little fantasy fodder in these turquoise feathered Manolos I located while flipping through Neiman Marcus' spring preview. Feathers are, in my opinion, a bit of an underutilized detail. In my head, the woman wearing these shoes is practical with just enough whimsy. She reminds me of the rather apt line spoken by the daughter in the film Chocolat: "Why can't you wear black shoes like all the other mothers do?"
And I kind of want to be that kind of mom some day. Not the chocolate shop owner mom (although, an inn with excellent cookies, now that would be doable), but the surprising shoe wearing mom.
Onward. I'm an avid Project Runway watcher. I'll watch episodes four or five times before deciding whether I am happy with the results. Tonight however, my feelings are pretty clear. I hate that Ricky (Ricky!) won. Especially because Sweet Pea, who continues to prove herself the epitome of a late bloomer, produced such a gorgeous garment while I found Ricky's a tad tacky (I even like Rami's better, and I'm still mad at him for last week's nasty shenanigans). BUT. It was completely worth it to watch Ricky win because they finally got rid of the sad sack overly bland slightly obnoxious Victorya. I'm sort of tempted to sing a certain song associated with The Wizard of Oz, but I won't.
1 comment:
Goodness, I hate Ricky too. But I'm SO glad the witch is dead!
Click here for DavidDust's Project Runway recap.
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